lotus pond


funny to be reading ALIEN DAUGHTERS WALK INTO THE SUN while i'm sitting in my cubicle, knee-deep in applying to law school... life can be so much more than thees

i wish it were easier to share music, on here and also in general (i don't use spotify). i guess it's not difficult per se just time-consuming. i guess you can always check my bc wishlist, though i take stuff off it once i download it off s******k. and i still find a bunch of songs through the youtube algo.

i actually haven't been listening to music lately. i pretty much exclusively read on the train these days. and when i want to listen to something while doing chores, i put on podcasts/videos ... it sounds kind of like i'm productivity maxxing. i just haven't been in the mood to like, lie down and zone out listening to a new album.. my brain is so active.

2023.05.01 - quick update

april, in short: i wasn't really able to write, or read as much as i wanted, but i did go on a weeklong trip to toronto, which was really really nice, and i've been slowly putting together a blog post about it. coming back to work was kind of sad and tough, and i've been spending a lot of time on my phone.. on the flipside, i've been spending a lot of time studying mandarin, and i feel good about the progress i've made. this weekend it was so dreary and wet, i didn't spend a second outside and it's been hard to fight off this lethargic feeling. i don't really have a point to end on, it feels like there are so many things i need to do and not enough energy or time. i guess i'll try to nibble away at some things today..

2023.02.07 - big renovation

i haven't really been satisfied with the layout of my blog recently, so i'm planning on making some changes, like moving the navigation links to a left sidebar, moving site updates elsewhere, tinkering with css (hello again, times new roman). the biggest thing though is that i don't need all these pages! i feel like it's kind of discord-brained. i enjoyed using tumblr cuz i could just post whatever and it would end up on one page/feed, rather than have to make a new page for every post, or update a different sub-page every time i wanted to share a song or book rec. and i also think from a reader standpoint, it's nice to not have to click through too much.. so yeah, i'm gonna try to reorganize my blog, maybe centralize short posts, musicposting, filmposting (..) on the home page. like so.

edit 2 hours later: phew! i got a lot done this morning. header is now a sidebar (turns back into header on narrow windows, i.e. phone screen), and the homepage will be my new shortpost feed for now. there'll still be a posts archive for longer posts. i'll mess with the formatting more as i go.


new longpost!

i set up different backgrounds for daytime and nighttime, but then i went back to the original css. i think it's just not something i want to do site-wide, but something to keep in my back pocket for future blog experiments!

2023.01.01 - a new year

i removed the photo BGs and the scrollboxes. i'm trying to stay off my phone and computer more (so far so good lol) but i still want to stick to my goal of updating this blog once a week or so. happy new year, be well!

[edit 2023.01.13: they did not stay off their phone and computer more.]

2022.12.13 - gardens of vextro out now!

uploaded my first longpost today—i haven't had much time to blog but i wanted to post something about the big release! or if you want to go straight to the downloads, you can visit the gardens of vextro itch page.


hey :-) still here, hoping to get some updates in this week. rude of my job to give me actual work instead of letting me blog on the clock..

more importantly: new project releasing soon!! can't wait to share it with you all.


posted two new short game reviews. i want to start screening movies again soon. i need to sleep good night!

2022.11.15 - site updates

2022.11.09 - site updates

worked a lot on my blog this evening :-) i added a comment section; i didn't rly want to use disqus but it seems the most convenient for now... you can leave a guest comment if you don't want to sign into anything (i usually don't). it still prompts you for name and email but you can probably put whatever.

i made some changes to my reading page, added stars for my favorite reads so far, and finished setting up book thoughts to fill in later with more in-depth thoughts (just filler text rn). it took me a long time figuring out what to do with the background, since my default bg-image doesn't tile well. (i wasn't thrilled at the prospect of using a basic 2-color gradient, but then i found this website that lets you color-pick a slightly more complex gradient and paste it directly into the css.)

i still don't really have a grand vision for this blog yet, or a sense of what or how much more i'll want to do with it, but i'm trying to take it one small "project" at a time and have fun with it. every bit of engagement with the things i post here provides motivation to keep updating and building it, so thank you to everyone who's reached out or even mentioned in passing that they've looked at my blog :') i hope i can find more time to fill it with stuff—life updates, videos, recipes... not just more of my own voice, but a lot of other voices


just a small update, i don't really have time to add anything, but a couple people irl have told me that they check on my blog from time to time, which is really sweet. if that's you, hi ^_^ i'll hopefully have more updates later. though i also made a cohost, which i may or may not use to post stuff. idk, still trying to find a format to put stuff on the internet that feels good, if there is one. thanks for reading ily.

2022.10.06 - intro post

thank you for stopping by.

i'm not really sure what i'm doing here yet. i wanted to make a space that was more chill and inviting. like a website you actually want to be on. unfortunately there's not a lot of stuff on it yet, so there's not much to get lost in.

i have ideas though... i'm thinking about adding a music player, a message box, embedding a bunch of random stuff like videos i like.

the problem is that updating blogs can feel lonely, it's hard to get motivated when you have no sense of who's reading it, and when, unless they tell you. obviously social media is terrible but at least that little red heart provides a fleeting moment of connection/recognition.

maybe i'll try to find a way for people to leave some kind of message or tiny indication they've been here if they want to. of course if we're friends and you want to talk to/msg me about anything i mention on here, you're always welcome to!