gardens of vextro: a chain-game project

if you haven't heard, my friends in vextro and i released our collaborative project, gardens of vextro. here is a blurb that sraeka wrote for GoV:
a collection of games, developed in sequential 1-week-ish spans between august and november, with each work drawing and building on ideas from those that came before it and inspiring those coming after. the result is GARDENS OF VEXTRO, a diy games anthology featuring poetic reflections, chuuni action, high risk future labor, gay girls confronting their feelings, endless wandering, humor, horror, grief, growth, and flowers that cause problems
if any of that sounds remotely interesting, the first game is a great sample and only takes a few minutes to play. from there i recommend playing the games in order, but it doesn't have to be crammed into one sitting, or two. these aren't just parts of a whole: each entry is a complete game in its own right.

labyrinths is the 2nd link in the chain, and the 2nd game i've ever made. i'm really proud of it, and glad it got to come to life this way, alongside some gorgeous flowers.
in the extras, you'll find the creator commentaries/liner notes for each game. if you'd like, you can read them as you play, or save them till the end.
i hope you're pleasantly surprised, if not totally floored, by the worlds people can create in a week. (i was.)

take care.