site updates


new post up!

also, i incorporated separate day/night backgrounds. next up: make them toggleable?


replaced photo BGs with repeating patterns, removed scrollboxes. i'm trying to stay off my phone and computer more (so far so good lol [edit 1.13.22: ha. ha. ha.]) but i still want to stick to my goal of updating this blog once a week or so. happy new year, be well!


first post! i haven't had much time to blog but i wanted to post something about the big release (gardens of vextro)!


hey :-) still here, hoping to get some updates in this week. rude of my job to give me actual work instead of letting me blog on the clock..

more importantly: new project releasing soon!! can't wait to share it with you all.


two new short game reviews. i want to start screening movies again soon. i need to sleep good night!



added a games page to talk about some of my favorite games!


added a comment section

i made some changes to my reading page, added stars for my favorite reads so far, and finished setting up book thoughts to fill in later with more in-depth thoughts (just filler text rn). it took me a long time figuring out what to do with the background, since my default bg-image doesn't tile well. (i wasn't thrilled at the prospect of using a basic 2-color gradient, but then i found this website that lets you color-pick a slightly more complex gradient and paste it directly into the css.)

i still don't really have a grand vision for this blog yet, or a sense of what or how much more i'll want to do with it, but i'm trying to take it one small "project" at a time and have fun with it. every bit of engagement with the things i post here provides motivation to keep updating and building it, so thank you to everyone who's reached out or even mentioned in passing that they've looked at my blog :') i hope i can find more time to fill it with stuff—life updates, videos, recipes... not just more of my own voice, but a lot of other voices

various icons from kyrise's free rpg icon pack