- they
- korean
- diy/alt games & digital art
- sci-fi/spec fic, postmodern lit
- anarchist imaginings
- plants, animals, fungi
- 순두부, 설렁탕, 麻婆豆腐, 粥...
- stealing time from work to update my blog
- hm.. too many things
you can find me on twitter but i don't tweet, or email me at lotusrootrecords (gmail). my games are on itch. you can also dm me on discord, lotus #2360.
a list of friends / cool people whose sites you should check out:
- marina and melos (games)
- nilson (games)
- sraeka (games)
- vextro (games)
- toby (games)
- saori (games)
- narf
- john
- dri
- pebble
- em